Senior Class Will
for the Class of 1961


Some of the following "Wills" maybe lost in translation these 50 years later.


Sandy Aamot leaves as Keewatin's beautiful gift to Hibbing.
Virginia Adamich leaves her unconventional hair-do to the next first lady.
Paulette Akin leaves with many memories of the lake, etc., etc.
Ronald Albrecht leaves picking on Terry Swartz.
Gayle Anderson leaves her saxophone to Glenn Miller's band.
James Anderson leaves by re"Crest."
Joy Anderson leaves with a "Mark" to be remembered.
Richard Anderson leaves holding up the L & B.
Robert Anderson leaves Miss Barron.
Mary Angeli regretfully leaves her excellent sack lunches behind.
John Antonelli skates away.
Fred Argir leaves for the billiard palace.
Connie Arnold leaves her organizing ability to the high school administration.
Thomas Aslakson runs away.
John Bachman leaves polishing his medals.
Kathleen Barret leaves watching her favorite soap opera.
Pat Barret leaves to get pizzacated.
Roberta Basarich leaves her supply of used blue slips to Miss Quigley.
Ed Beckers leaves to man the pumps.
Mary Beebe leaves her extraordinary memoirs to the Atlantic Magazine.
Peter Belschner burps out.
Noella Berg leaves to join the Globetrotters, wearing elevator shoes
Jon Berganini leaves riding on his scooter.
Holly Bergstrom leaves to grow another ponytail.
Rochelle Bianconi leaves what's left of the library to the distraught librarians
Esther Binzello leaves loved by the gang.
Ted Bispala leaves to improve the sewer situation.
Edward Bizal leaves for the land of the "Amazons."
Diane Blitvich leaves for South Sturgeon and sundry activities.
James Bloomberg leaves shooting back.
Charles Bloomquist  leaves "Hammering ".
Olive Boppre leaves her beautiful voice to Mr. Hill's choir for next year.
Sharon Boutang leaves setting her brother's hair.
Roger Brady leaves his car club membership.
Richard Branham leaves for the Eichmann trials.
Sharon Breen leaves with thoughts of "North of the Border."
Kathleen Bressler leaves her Texas memories to those who haven't been fortunate enought to visit the Lone Star state.
Rochelle Bretto leaves with slide rule, drawing board, and a good friend.
Betty Bronson leaves with her twinkling smile.
Sharon Bronson leaves with a sparkle on her finger and in her eyes.
Nancy Brunner leaves to reform Saint Kate's.
Pat Burho leaves as "Scott's" favorite spy.
Brian Butler leaves to indoctrinate Dartmouth with American Field Service.
Thomas Calligure leaves striving for sophistication.
Connie Calliguri leaves his masterpieces to Mr. Miller.
Donna Cann leaves to join the UND wrestling team.
Sharon Carlson leaves to look for a plain pair of shoes.
Donna Caroon leaves with plans to "Check" Mate.
Dennis Carpenter leaves to un-employ Huffer's.
Nancy Catani leaves what's left of chemistry to Mr. Tubman.
Margaret Chacich leaves loud and clear.
Anita Chase leaves chasing rainbows.
Pat Coschignano leaves the Explorer Scouts.
Jim Csargo leaves doing the flamenco.
Patty Cummings leaves her poxing powers to Renee-Knows-All.
John Curran leaves with his tape measure.
Lila Curtis leaves being seen and not heard.
Howard Danielson leaves his shopping bag.
Patricia Danielson leaves her salted peanuts to Mr. Gutman.
MarilynDavich leaves her graduation requirements accomplished.
Carol Debelak leaves with tranquilizers in her right hand pocket.
Marge DelGrande leaves "hooping" it up.
Jin Demgen leaves “Savagely."
Larry DePaulis leaves throwing napkins.
Audrey Dilley leaves giving Dennis the Menace much competition.
Larry Dixon leaves "57" different ways.
Mary Doland leaves to spend her summer in the L & B.
John Dolanich leaves for Virginia.
Steve Dolanich leaves to get Martinson-ized.
Sharon Douville leaves to do repeats on the prom.
Bernie Drlaca turns Green.
Diane Drong leaves always busy.
Lona Dunne leaves being mistaken for a cookie.
Stewart Dye leaves asking Vicki for a date.
Peggy Eaton leaves being pegged as a barrel of laughs.
Sharon Ebert leaves happily.
Sharon Eckman leaves driving on a curb.
Sharon Ellingson leaves smiling.
Richard Enderle leaves for an audition at Warner Bros.
Chuck Erickson leaves competing with John.
Cynthia Erickson leaves a jar of cranberries to Tom Calligure.
Ronald Erickson leaves without a word.
Sheila Erickson leaves after seeing the Rhinelands.
Steve Erickson leaves with a narrow "Gaige."
Denny Eskeli leaves for Bunker Road.
Lorraine Espe leaves for the Sunnyside,
Mike Fagan leaves with a blank mind and an open mouth.
Mary Fairchild leaves with a big man.
Cliff Fearing leaves via the sky with a grand spring "Wallup."
Frances Fink leaves (Duane) good.
Roger Fink leaves hamming it up.
Jackie Fiori leaves her temper to Maria Callas.
Joyce Fiori leaves to join the FBI or CIA—-asking questions.
Amy Forsmark leaves as a credit to her Girl Scout uniform.
Fuzzy Forsmark leaves with a "300" replacement for his Volkswagen.
Liz Forti leaves in vogue.
Winnie Frost leaves with memories of Sturgeon Lake.
Pete Frantti leaves dribbling away.
John Furin leaves much further ahead.
Pat Furlong leaves all puckered out.
Barbara Gachnik leaves to recross the ocean.
JoAnn Gaige leaves always keeping her patients in stitches,
Joe Galli leaves in his Cadillac.
Jim Gargano leaves with his trunk open.
Dan Garland leaves with his many pencils.
Diane Gazelka leaves as a paragon of virtue.
Marge Gersich leaves Vicky's blind dates.
Angela Giombetti leaves knowing what Milwaukee is really famous for.
Eileen Grams leaves to receive many tele"grams."
Jonne Gregorich leaves explaining "No, I'm a girl"
Stanley Grillo leaves for Chisholm.
Keith Grundfeldt shyly leaves.
Stanley Gruska leaves for Arthur Murray's in his outboard.
Barbara Gustafson leaves the sound effects for Mr. Wenberg.
Nathan Gustafson leaves without Mary.
Martha Hagen leaves as a credit to Gershwin.
Carol Hall leaves as Max Factor’s best customer.
Joyce Hallila leaves to study medicine and men.
Mary Jane Hanmer leaves peering through her glasses?
Barbara Hanson leaves with memories of Lind Park.
Robert Harding leaves subpeanaed.
Barbara Heikkila loaves knowing that she has done her best.
Gerald Heikkinen leaves it to "Beaver-ly."
Kenneth Holland leaves with his briefcase.
Warren Helstrom follows in his brother's tracks.
LuVerne Hemmerich leaves modestly.
Caroline Hengel leaves her bright outlook.
Randi Hennum leaves receiving Care packages from Duluth.
Randy Herrett leaves skipping school.
Nancy Hines leaves pushing Larry's coupe„
John Hobrle leaves in his brother's Chrysler.
Terry Holm leaves parking his car around the block.
Judith Holmbeck leaves looking forward to the future.
Marty Horsted leaves the girls alone.
Carolyn Howard leaves stars for others to catch.
Carnen Howden leaves a diary for posterity.
James Hughes leaves for Nashwauk.
Jim Husted leaves hooting.
Renae Jacobson leaves glad that things are looking up.
John Jarvis rolls away.
Corky Javorina leaves her self-control to Mr. Kinney.
Bonnie Jetty leaves forging her birth certificate to join the fan club.
Dennis Johnson leaves organizing everything in sight.
Elizabeth Johnson leaves paints and brushes to other artists.
Gerald Johnson leaves for the Androy.
Nancy Johnson leaves rooting for the Twins.
Ron Johnson leaves his zeros to Mr. Shook.
Roy Kampen leaves without Petey.
Jeff Kangas leaves drawing on his chem desk.
Bill Kangas leaves "Frosted" in his Ford.
Mike Kanieski leaves for the reservation.
Tom Kantos leaves canning eggs.
Jim Kapla leaves in a net.
Jim Kastet leaves for the drive-in.
Ray Kermode leaves for "Charles Atlas."
Shirley Kerssen leaves a little "Small-er. "
Loretta Keseley leaves to have a career in business.
Patty Killien leaves with a ring around her neck.
Wilfred Kirsling leaves with Mr. Salvog's "Marlboro
Al Klaysmat leaves playing "Butchy-ball."
Saundra Klein leaves, remembering school, her job, and all.
Patricia Koemptgen leaves to follow many interests.
Gary Komola loaves to join F.H.A.
Donna Korhonen leaves her artistic ability to other aspiring students.
Lloyd Korhonen leaves "Connie"fidentially.
Gail Korpi leaves her Garbo make-up.
Ronald Kaschak leaves grinding gears.
Patricia Koslowski leaves as Wallace "follas."
Sharon Koziol leaves those morning locker chats to the junior girls.
Richard LaBrosse leaves in his model airplane.
Lorita Lahti leaves with all her politeness.
Bill LaLiberte borrows a Buick and leaves.
Richard Lampi leaves fiberglassing his Pontiac.
Donald Lang leaves for backstage.
Kathleen Langer leaves catching a man.
Anita Lassila leaves with many friends.
Michael Laurienzo leaves in search of Theodora.
Michele Laurienzo leaves loosening the lugs.
Jeanette LeDoux leaves in love.
Rodney Lindgren leaves smiling.
Betty Lindsey leaves hubby happy.
Ron Lubovich leaves in another new car.
Myron Lunning leaves grammatically.
Dave Lyman leaves with his usual burst of energy.
David Machart sadly leaves.
Ev Macy leaves to walk his dog.
Brian Maki leaves for the service.
Joanne Maki leaves a bag of fortune cookies to next year’s debate team.
John Maki leaves following the floral truck.
Roger Maki leaves non-acoustically.
Pat Maloney leaves to work in the mines.
Punchy Bill Mancuso - - - K.O.
Frances Mansfield leaves wondering how many yards 56 inches is.
Christine Maras leaves taking orders at the Androy.
Judy Maras leaves with a carful of girls.
Marilyn Maras leaves corrupting Rosie.
Mike Maras leaves trying to raise the age limit in his fan club to 15.
Rita Maras leaves knowing everyone will miss her sense of humor.
Donna Marinucci leaves as a good friend of the science department.
Veronica Mastakoski leaves as a true queen to those who know her.
Lois Matson leaves, but not alone.
Julia Mattson leaves typing swiftly.
Sharon Mattson leaves Hawkeye.
Vicki McDermott leaves her adventures as a cheerleader to next year's squad     -
if they are brave enough.
Beverly McDowall leaves with hopes for a good career.
Ron McGuire leaves in his pipecurls.
Roberta McGowan leaves with her nickname.
Tom Meados leaves smelting on his "Will"' power.
Cairol Meittunen leaves in the red Pontiac.
Marvin Menzel leaves playing a duet . . .with Marge.
Terry Myers leaves for home.
Karen Miettunen leaves passing trays.
Meredith Miller leaves Miss Gandsey’s car.
John Moillanen leaves with a cup.
John Monetti leaves to "clem” it "Rich"
Alicia Morris leaves her charm to Zsa Zsa.
Dwight Morrison leaves for Gettysburg.
Judy Mudgett leaves home-making to whoever doesn't know how to burn water yet.
Joy Musech leaves after having received an education.
Pat Nash leaves for Oleg Cassini.
Karen Nearing leaves practicing down the aisle.
Fred Nelson leaves setting his "Segar" aflame.
Sharon Nelson leaves shrieking “Robbing the Cradle."'
William Nelson leaves for Mr. Miller’s darkroom.
Russel Ningen leaves trying to balance Mr. Tubman.
Bev Norman leaves in the tradition of the Normans.
Rudy Nylund leaves with 76 trombones.
Louise Oberstar leaves with her flirty eyes.
Mike Oberstar leaves for the Irish.
Terry O'Brien leaves with Yerrt Neirb’e.
Darlene Olson leaves to enjoy the summer.
David Olson leaves pulling strings in Miss Haley's class.
Karen Olson leaves with a knowing smile.
Vern Olson just leaves.
Maureen O'Reilly leaves, but not a bit "Saari”.
Ken Ostroot leaves telling Mr. Ongaro hels the missing link.
Edward Oswald bugs out to Kitzville.
Dennis Pagel leaves for Texas.
Dewey Pajunen leaves conservation-wise.
Loren Paripovich leaves sadder but wiser.
Diana Paulsen leaves happiness to others.
Georgia Pavelich leaves being careful not to break her leg - again.
Paul Pederson leaves the administration to run things.
Robert Perfetti leaves for Sleepy Hollow.
Nancy Peterson leaves with memories of the wild Mexican night life.
James Petrick exits.
LeRoy Petrick leaves the pool for good.
Joyce Pinkham leaves knowing she'll miss basketball games.
Judy Popovich leaves behind "Tilillie", "Outlaw” and "Jaw"
Tony Porter leaves on the train.
Lois Possin leaves with a "Toni”.
Anton Potami leaves "sloe—ly."
Jeanette Powell leaves sweetly.
Robert Pratt leaves mumbling and stumbling.
Bob Prebich leaves with the missing link.
John Puhek leaves saying, "What the hek."
Sharon Quinette leaves wondering what's going on in Minneapolis.
Karon Radovich leaves carin’  deeply.
Rosalie Rantala leaves "Finished."
Celine Rapinac leaves looking neat.
Judy Rawie leaves to try and get a car all her own.
Scott Reinertson leaves with a "Pat' hand.
Dennis Rian leaves with great "Panes."
Karen Rian leaves the rest of her baby pictures to the Hi-Tines staff.
Phyllis Rikala leaves to go on to bigger and better things.
Edith Riser leaves picking Idaho potatoes.
Lucia Ronchetti leaves with "Wowie Rawie”.
Sandy Ronning leaves with her "'Mind Made Up" about her favorite “Drummer Boy”.
Sheila Rothkopf leaves with some knowledge of the law.
Jeanne Rushfeldt leaves to find out how to punch IBM buttons.
Robert Ruskanen leaves enlightened.
Delia Saari leaves her nice nature,
George Saari leaves by Rural Free Delivery.
Tallie Sachs leaves radically . . . changed.
Mark Salo leaves study hall in an uproar.
Joan Sandburg leaves her honey hair.
Laura Schmidt leaves with no complaints.
Vincent Schwartz leaves looking up to Terry.
Mary Scipioni leaves to look for some more of those Italian boys.
Barbara Scofield leaves looking for the silver chalice.
Bob Scott leaves with Dave, Bob, and/or Cliff.
Sandy Shanks leaves "Sanford-ized."
Sharon Shimek leaves for the wide open spaces.
Vicki Simpson leaves Chicago, Omaha, Lincoln, and her "Bobo”.
Eugene Skalski departs.
Dennis Smith leaves adjusting his power aerial.
Eugene Smith leaves for his neighbor's house.
James Smith leaves to change his name to Shook.
Philip Smolz leaves pouring concrete.
Robert Sorce leaves wondering what to pick.
Diane Stahl leaves without "Stahl-ing."
Richard Stanich leaves with a nickel to call all his friends.
Jerome Starck leaves with his scissors and her skates.
Caroline Stark leaves with her sunlit hair.
Judy Stenglein. Leaves her homemaking knowledge to Betty Crocker,
Kathy Sullivan leaves with a "rock" collection.
Patricia Sullivan leaves her chem-lab table.
Sandra Sunty leaves with an embarrassed giggle.
David Swanovich leaves gracefully.
Charles Swanson leaves to mow his lawn.
Marian Swanson leaves her wrenches, etc., to other car bugs.
Phyllis Sweet leaves a little bitter better.
Patricia Tahija leaves trying to explain how her name should be pronounced.
Eileen Tate leaves with a smile of ambition.
Diane Tawyea leaves waiting for friends, patiently.
Judy Taylor leaves with happy high school memories.
Pauline Taylor leaves as "High Priestess of Scrolls" in the "'Exclusive V."
Jim Tellor leaves for the "Black Cat's" neighbor.
Marilyn Torzich leaves looking forward to a great future.
Michael Terzich leaves for Pool.
Kathy Theisen leaves to inherit the earth,
Sandra Tichy leaves Howard Street to all the lucky juniors.
Barb Toomey leaves to be beautiful always in the white carriage.
Tom Toscano leaves to solicit Shell Tire,
Frank Urbia leaves Jack,
Violet Valerie leaves a little Rich(ard).
David Venditto leaves playing host to Yost.
Al Villacorte leaves thinking of Bridgett.
Warren Vincent leaves unconvinced.
Ted VonFeldt leaves in his ambulance.
David Waechter leaves with his Smarts.
Dorleen Wagstron leaves personably.
James Walker leaves rolling over.
Chuck Wallace leaves doing the samba.
Leslie Walters leaves doing "One Man's Family”
Carolyn Warmath leaves making up her own mind.
Kathy Warner leaves remembering many a frolic.
Sandra Warner leaves with her new puppy.
Kenneth Werland leaves eating chow mein.
Randy Westby leaves confused in Mr. Miller's class.
Gary Westerlund leaves Phillips  66 for Jack and Don's.
Richard Walen leaves with coconuts.
Roger Wherland leaves admiring the dents in his Chevy.
Jim White leaves in 9.8.
Dave Whitney leaves singing "Don’t  take your gun to town,"
Wee Willie Widstrand, Jr., leaves home.
Carol Williams leaves in time to make the "Kerr"few.
Gail Williams leaves her beautiful hair to a wig maker.
Pat. Wippler leaves with high hopes.
Judy Wold leaves chemistry to the geniuses in the junior class.
Jean Wood leaves to carve her future.
Pat Yost leaves with the host.
Judy Zbacnik leaves her carrot top to any deserving bunny.
Charlene Zoerner leaves writing letters to the government . . .